
March 3, 2012

Is it possible to disable the battery replacing alert in Windows7 ?

Are you getting the error message “Consider replacing your battery” in Windows 7 too often? Microsoft is already looking into the battery issues with Windows 7 and will soon provide a solution for the problem. In the meantime, you might want to try this temporary fix that will disable the error message.
Microsoft reported that the tool that is retrieving the battery status works flawlessly and they can’t explain why it is not working as it should. Many Windows 7 users say that sometimes their laptop even gets shutdown after 30 minutes, although they were using a completely refreshed battery. The Redmond-based company is now investigating this case with the help of 3rd-party developers.

Temporary Fix/Solution

1. Open up the Control Panel:

Windows 7 Control Panel

2. Uncollapse “Batteries” and disable or uninstall “Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery”/>

DIsable Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery 

 Another Solution

It could help to avoid automatic switching off and keep the information about battery charge:
Setup Critical battery action to 'Do Nothing'
The tool is powercfg.exe
To change the 'Battery->Critical battery action->'On battery' setting to "Do nothing" using powercfg.exe

1. activate the power scheme you want to modify.
2. open an elevated command console (windows key, type 'cmd' in start menu, press "ctrl+shift+enter", click 'continue')
3. execute "powercfg -setdcvalueindex SCHEME_CURRENT SUB_BATTERY BATACTIONCRIT 0"
4. your current power scheme will show "Battery->Critical battery action->On battery: Do nothing" despite the option being unavailable in the drop box.

 If still the problem remains then try these

  1. Update the BIOS software on the computer 
  2. Install the latest updates from Microsoft 


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